The man, is a project that has been with me for some time now. Through learning about politics, philosophy, socioeconomics, history etc. my realisation is very simple; you, and everyone else - me included create the world and the reality we live in. That is perhaps so simple that it borders on banality - but the ramifications and consequences of this reality is enormous. It places the responsibillity for everything that happens - on each and every one of us. It means that you are responsible, and that there is no other force in the world than the sum of actions we as individuals take. If more individuals take more care in their choices of action instead of just schlapping along, then things start to move in a different direction. Dont listen to the mass media. Their product is produced with the intent to influence your thinking, control what you know and consequently - control you, many of you, to think like they want you to. Take control of your thinking, what you read and watch - grow your own person and realize your full potential - be «the man» in your own life - YOU, are «the man»!!